Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The flu... and things that are due.

Sorry I am not in class. My family and I came down with a nasty bug. Mr. Courtright, the A-day Photography teacher has agreed to substitute. He can help you finish your projects that are due.

Yes, they are still due today. We have too many things to cover this term, so we can't afford any more delays. You can turn your projects in three possible ways. 1) Save them onto my public folder like we normally do when working in the classroom, 2) Save them onto my USB thumbdrive, or 3) email them to me at

If you have any questions what is required for the assignments, the handouts I passed out in class are online, under the Projects pages on the class blog. Click on the link (on the right side of the blog) to view them.

With the exception of anything you may have turned in on Monday, I have updated Skyward with all the assignments I have turned in from you. Check to make sure I have everything recorded, or resubmit something you thought you should have credit for. If you turned it in Monday, I will add it this weekend along with all the assignments from today.

If you have finished all your projects and would like to earn extra credit, visit the Pictures of the Year International Winners Gallery website ( and find a photo you like from the past year's winners. Type up a paragraph explaining why you like it, what compositional guidelines it follows, and what shutter speed you think the photographer used. Save or email these by the end of the class period.

Thanks for understanding, and I will see you all on Friday.

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